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Sold Herchenbech Temporary Warehouse Approx 38.4 Meters Long (8 x 4.8 Meter Sections), x 17.6 Meters Wide - Hampshire


Herchenbech Temporary Warehouse Approx 38.4 meters long (8 x 4.8 meter sections), x 17.6 meters wide
675 sqm
Herchenbech metal wall, fabric roof semi-permanent building (2018)
Approx 38.4 meters long (8 x 4.8 meter sections), x 17.6 meters wide
The side wall is coated metal panelling to a height of 4.8 meters.
Height to centre eaves is 8.3 meters
Functional electric roller shutter door 4.8 meters wide x 3.5 meters high
Main frame is 15cm x 24cm box frame connected to floor bolted holding plates
With functional lighting included
Unit has 2 passenger doors, one at front, one at rear
Is currently in use for storage of raw materials
Contents not included
Located in Hampshire

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Located in Hampshire
Collection only

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Price: Sold