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H2 Products - Somerset

Based in Bridgwater, Somerset

Contact us on 01278 423823 or 07977 812601 or Email or visit our website

Unit 2, Cherry Orchard, Squibbers Way, Colley Lane Industrial Estate, Bridgwater, Somerset, TA6 5FB

We offer a 3 month warranty on all gas and electrical appliances
With the ability to excel in the most busy, commercial environments, this double-door counter fridge from Polar’s U-Series is built to last through the most rigorous of use.
The fridge is designed with intelligent controls that allow you to switch between meat (-2°C to +2°C), fish (-1°C to +1°C) and general storage (+1°C to +4°C) pre-sets at the touch of a button – making it easier to change temperatures to match your seasonal menu.

£1050 +VAT

Create an attractive refrigerated display suitable for shops, cafes and canteens with the Tefcold FSC1000H Glass Door Fridge. With double hinged lockable doors and a large capacity of storage space within this unit, this allows a wide range of food and drink can be stored in optimum conditions, easily accessible and always ready for sale.

£950 +VAT

The Diaminox two door pizza prep fridge combines an immensely durable granite worktop with high capacity storage, the Diaminox pizza prep counter is the perfect solution for any professional kitchen which has pizza or dough items on the menu.

£895 +VAT

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